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Kelvin Black
From Dallas, USA
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Zasha Swan
From Australia
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Frank Jones
From Japan
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From London, UK

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6 Ways

Be The Co-creator of Your Destiny

Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque euvestibulum sed risus ultricies.


Build life on your strenghts

Know the unique combination of your inner resources. Discover your real strengths and weaknesses. Know your true potential and build your life on your strengths. 


Harmonize Your Love Life

Check compatibility with your partner. Communicate with your partner in their ‘inner language’. Find ways to rekindle the fire of love and learn how to keep it alive. 


Make Best Professional Decisions

Get help choosing best profession, choosing between multiple jobs or projects and choosing the right employee for the right job.


Improve Health & Vitality

Know your weak body parts or systems and prevent or minimise the damage from ailments. Get tips for diet and practices to improve your vitality.

Planatery periods

Know Seasons of Your Life

Know what to expect in different seasons of your life. Align your actions with the seasons of your life for maximum growth and minimum losses.

Take control

Create Change With Powerful Practices

Discover powerful holistic tools for transformation like meditations, mantras, recommended books and go beyond your karmic limitations.

6 Ways

Be The Co-creator of Your Destiny

Siverra lectus mauris ultrices eros in. Eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nulla nisi scelerisque euvestibulum sed risus ultricies.


Build life on your strenghts

Know the unique combination of your inner resources. Discover your real strengths and weaknesses. Know your true potential and build your life on your strengths. 


Harmonize Your Love Life

Check compatibility with your partner. Communicate with your partner in their ‘inner language’. Find ways to rekindle the fire of love and learn how to keep it alive. 


Make Best Professional Decisions

Get help choosing best profession, choosing between multiple jobs or projects and choosing the right employee for the right job.


Improve Health & Vitality

Know your weak body parts or systems and prevent or minimise the damage from ailments. Get tips for diet and practices to improve your vitality.

Planatery periods

Know Seasons of Your Life

Know what to expect in different seasons of your life. Align your actions with the seasons of your life for maximum growth and minimum losses.

Take control

Create Change With Powerful Practices

Discover powerful holistic tools for transformation like meditations, mantras, recommended books and go beyond your karmic limitations.

A glimpse of what you will get in the consultation

And of course, clear answers to all of your own questions

Know Your Unique Gifts

Know the unique combination of your inner resources. Discover your real strengths and weaknesses. Know your true potential and how to activate it by either transforming or bypassing your weakness.

Your Karmic Mission and Lessons

Find out what is the karmic mission of your soul during this lifetime. Learn about your karmic mission and lessons – what is it that you are here to experience and what it is that you are here to learn. 

Seasons of Your Life

Know what to expect in different seasons of your life. Align your actions with the seasons of your life for maximum growth and minimum losses. 

Potential in different life areas

Know the potential you have in different areas of life like health, love, family, finance, country of residence, profession or any other area that interests you. 

Guidance to help you make better decisions

Get a clear picture of the trajectories of your different choices, and make better decisions with confidence.

Get powerful practices for transformation

Discover powerful holistic tools for transformation like meditations, mantras, recommended books and go beyond your karmic limitations.

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

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Dhruv Mehta

Definitely an unusual combination – an astrologer who is also a personal growth coach, isn’t it?

But that’s what Dhruv does. He is one of those rare astrologers who does not believe that everything in life is predestined, well, few things are but not all.

And that’s why his consultations are not simply about predicting your future. If you are interested, he will guide you to create changes you desire in your life with the use of powerful personal transformation tools and techniques.

If you want not only to know about yourself and your future but also become a co-creator of your destiny, then Dhruv might be your best choice as your Astrologer.

Dhruv got initiated into Vedic Astrology and spiritual traditions at a very early age of 13 by his grandfather, who was a staunch follower of Bhraminic practices. 

By education, Dhruv is an Industrial Electronics Engineer. But he never worked as an engineer, well, not exactly never. In 1997 he got a job in R&D of an engineering company, but on the first day of that job he got  invited to participate in an International Astrological Conference in north India. He chose to participate in the astrology conference His first day of job was also his last day as an engineer, something he never regrets about. 

Since beginning his study of astrology, it took 7 and a half years for Dhruv to give his first professional consultation in 1996. The same year he also began his teaching. 

In fact, while he was studying engineering, he was invited by his astrology mentor Samir Patel to co-create an Astrology Course for the Navgujarat Multicourse Institute organised by the Navgujarat College, Ahmedabad, India. That was 1996 – a student of engineering became a teacher of Astrology. 

It’s been 25 years (in 2021) since Dhruv has been consulting and teaching Vedic Astrology to thousands of people from all parts of the world. He often travels to do consultations and trainings to most of the European capitals for about past 15 years. He also also hugely popular in Russia and Russian speaking countries.  

Dhruv Mehta

Astrologer, Personal Growth Coach, Spiritual Guide

Definitely an unusual combination – an astrologer who is also a personal growth coach, isn’t it?

But that’s what Dhruv does. He is one of those rare astrologers who does not believe that everything in life is predestined, well, few things are but not all. 

And that’s why his consultations are not simply about predicting your future. If you are interested, he will guide you to create changes you desire in your life with the use of powerful personal transformation tools and techniques. 

If you want not only to know about yourself and your future but also become a co-creator of your destiny, then Dhruv might be your best choice as your Astrologer.

Consultation On Your Preferred Platform

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Vedų astrologija Lietuvoje su Dhruv Mehta

Astrologijos Konsultacijos​

Sužinok savo likimą. Rask dilemoms atsakymus ir informaciją kaip priimti geriausius sprendimus.

Online Seminarai ir Renginiai

Mokykis jaukiai savo namuose. Meditacijos ir Dvasingumo seminara

Sertifikuoti Astrologijos Kursai

Pabaik kursą, pradėk uždirbti iš astrologijos konsultacijų ar patark savo draugams ir šeimai.


Международная школа Ведической Астрологии и Духовного Развития Друва Мехта

Vedų Astrologija su Astrologu iš Indijos

Su astrologu, kilusiu iš astrologijos gimtinės (Indijos) ir per paskutinius 23 metus padėjusiu 40000 žmonių, rask atsakymus į rūpimus klausimus, sprendimus savo problemoms ir pagalbą teisinguose pasirinkimuose.

Gauk konkrečias rekomendacijas

Savo aiškumui konsultacijos metu gauk tikslias rekomendacijas. Pasiimk rekomendacijas, praktiškas priemones, kurių pagalba gali keisti esamą padėtį į trokštamą.

Atrask Sprendimus, Kurie Veikia

Gauk dvasines, protines ir elgesio praktikas, kurios tikrai veikia ir duoda rezultatus kad pakeisti tavo situaciją. Beveik visoms situacijoms yra sprendimai, ypač žinant karmines problemos priežastis, kurios yra esminės tos situacijos šaknys.

"Mano reikalas ne padaryti tave laimingu, bet pasakyti tiesą. Nors tiesa negarantuoja laimės, ji visada suteikia ramybę".

- Dhruv Mehta

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Gauk patarimus iš geriausio

Kuriuo pasitiki tūkstančiai klientų ir studentų iš 30 šalių

Dhruv Mehta - Astrologas, Mokytojas, Dvasinis Mentorius

Dhruv Mehta yra mylimas konsultantas ir gerbiamas instruktorius astrologijos, dvasingumo ir holistinio valdymo srityse.  

Kilęs iš Indijos, Ahmedabado. Ten, 1996 metais jis pradėjo vesti konsultacijas, mokymus ir seminarus. Dvylika metų jis plačiai  keliauja po Europą ir Aziją. Šiuo metu jis apsistojęs Europoje, pastoviai konsultuoja, veda astrologijos kursus, dvasingumo seminarus ir holistinio valdymo seminarus įmonėms įvairiuose Europos ir Rusijos miestuose. 2011 metais  Europoje jis įsteigė įmonę  – SOULutions.  SOULutions siūlo rytietiškų dvasinių koncepcijų moderniam valdymui mokymus.

Industry Partners

Patyrimo Pasidalinimai

Aš labai gėriuosi tuo, ką Dhruv daro. Tai apdovanotas žmogus. Labai tau ačiū, kad įneši šviesos į mūsų gyvenimą.
Ingrida Klassen
CEO, BraiGym, Vilnius
Turbūt 2007 metais aš dalyvavau Dhruv seminare. Galiu pasakyti, jis tikrai rūpinasi savo dalyviais ir turi didelį norą padėti jiems augti savo autentiškume.
Remigijus Savickas
Autentiškos Lyderystės Mentorius, Vilnius
Ačiū už konsultaciją su Dhruv. Aš nusiraminau: kas gali būti vertingiau už aiškumą ir ramybę su tuo kas vyksta mano gyvenime? Labai verta! Visiems rekomenduoju!
Vladimiras Baznikovas
Kino ir teatro aktorius, Maskva
Aš bandžiau suprasti kas aš esu . Noriu pasakyti, kad su jo paprastais paaiškinimais ir tikslia informacija aš tai išsiaiškinau.
Olga Gaševa
Lindström Oy, Helsinki