Lesson 5 of 8
In Progress

Lesson 12: Drishti

Dhruv October 18, 2021

It is obvious that when a planet is positioned in a house, it influences that house. In technical terms of astrology, we can say that for example Sun is ‘sitting’ in house 6 or 12 or whatever. 

And thereby a planet influences the matter of that house based on the energy, characteristics and strength of that planet. 

But in addition to that, a planet can also influence other houses where it is not positioned by what we call ‘Drishti’.

Drishti is a Sanskrit word which literally means to ‘look’ but in the context of a birth chart, we mean to influence. In English, the word used of Drishti is ‘Aspect’…like a planet aspects a house. 

And thereby a planet influences the matter of that house based on the energy, characteristics and strength of that planet. 

Two Types of Drishti

A) The Common Drishti 

B) Special Drishti

Common Drishti

Every planet (except Rahu and Ketu) looks at or throws it’s ‘drishti’ or aspects the 7th house from it’s own position

To count 7th position, you begin with the same house where the planet is positioned as the first, then count next and next in incremental order until you reach the 7th house from it 

In the example chart above, you see that Mars is positioned in the house 3. 

*Remember, all planets, except Rahu and Ketu for this rule of common aspect (drishti)

I suggest watch this under 2 minutes of video to get clarity of this concept. 

Common Drishti Of Planets

Special Drishti

In addition to common drishti, some planets have special drishti. 

Mars aspects 4th and 8th house counted from it’s own position in the birth chart

Jupiter aspects 5th and 9th house counted from it’s own position in the birth chart

Saturn aspects 3rd  and 10th house counted from it’s own position in the birth chart

Rahu and Ketu both aspects 5th and 9th house counted from their own position in the birth chart – BUT counted backwards. 

I suggest watch this under 2 minutes of video to get clarity of this concept. 

Special Drishti Of Planets

Today’s Task

But before you end the lesson, here is today’s task. Answer following questions based on the chart below 

Example Birth Chart For Today’s Task
  1. Which planet or planets aspect the Ascendant (house 1). Well, also check in your chart, because the planets that are either sitting or making drishti on your ascendant, they decide your mission, character, your attitude, your values etc. 
  2. Which houses receive the aspect of Mars in this chart?
  3. Which houses receive the aspect of Rahu in this chart?

Special Task

Which planets influence by being positioned in your Ascendant plus by Drishti to your Ascendant?

That’s about it for today.

Bouncers? Or no bouncers?